Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

writing test

Name:                                                 Class:                                      Score:             

I. Complete the dialogue using certainty or uncertainty expressions.

1. Asep : Do you know how to make tomato juice?
Sanusi : Yes I do.
Asep : ….
Sanusi : Yes, of course!

2. Danias : Is this the right step to make candy?
Ketut Tantri : Yes, that’s right.
Danias : Really?
Ketut Tantri : ….

3. Putri : Would this fried rice be delicious?
Adi : Of course.
Putri : ….
Adi : Yes.
4. Panji : Are you sure that a pinch of salt is enough?
Danias : ….
5. Bayu : We don’t need to add sugar.
Saly : ….
Bayu : I’m very certain, Sal.

II. Write the expression of Admiration using the adjective given.
1.      Expensive

2.      Sweet

3.      Cool

4.      Interesting

5.      Amazing

III. Complete the expression of asking for repetition.
1. Fredy : I’m sorry. I didn’t ……….. what you said.
    Laila : I said you should retype the password.

2. Angelina : Could you please ……………. it again?
    Hereka : Oh, I’ll repeat.
    Angelina : Thanks.

3. Asep : ………………. ?What was that again?
    Huri : You missed the fourth step.

4. Ajeng : Could you ……………….. more aloud, please?Your voice is too low.
   Apis : OK.

5.Zoni: Sorry, I don’t understand ………….. you mean.
   Jusi: Well,I mean I want you to be better, you know.

I.    Complete the sentences in the recipe of Making LEMONADE
6 ……. (water/glasses/lemons)
1 cup of …(salt/sugar/flour)
8 cups of …..water (very hot/source/iced)
1 cup of ……water (boiling/source/salty)
1. (throw /squeeze) the juice from lemons into a bowl. Set lemon rinds aside.
2. (drink/strain) lemon juice into a large pitcher.
3. (add/reduce) sugar and ice water; Stir until sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
4. Place lemon rinds in a bowl and add boiling (lemon/water). Let stand until water is cold.
5.Discard the rinds, add water to pitcher and (cook/stir) well. Refrigerate until well chilled.
II. Based on the monologue above, decide whether the following
statements are true or false.

1. The recipe shows how to make a lemon.(T/F)
2. You need 1 cup of boiling water.(T/F)
3. You can throw away the lemonade rinds after you squeeze its juice out.(T/F)
4. The boiling water is used to soak the lemon juice.(T/F)
5. You need four types of ingredients to make some lemonade.(T/F)

III.       Complete the sentences with suitable words.
Edo                  : Ida, how do you send a short message?
Ida       : It’s very easy. Just go to the main menu, and then …………………… (1)“Message”. After that select ……………………(2)and then write your……………………….. (3) When you’ve finished writing your message, …………………(4)“Send” or “OK” or “Yes”. And then go to …………………………. (5) and select the ……………….. (6) you wanted to send it to.
Edo : Wow, that’s easy. Thanks.
IV.    Rewrite the steps “How to send a message”.

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